Technical and Scientific Committee

In order to provide more scientific input to meet the vision and objectives of the association, the Board of Directors passed resolution #7/2018 during the Board Meeting held on May 20, 2018. CBLC aps will now have a Scientific Committee composed of distinguished professionals who tend to, and have shown sympathy towards patients with Methylmalonic Acidemia (MMA) with Homocystinuria - CblC type.

The Scientific Committee is chartered with these main objectives:

1) To operate as an advisory body of the association;

2) To inspire the initiatives aimed in order to achieve the associative goals;

3) To assist the Board of Directors in the selection of research activities and specific projects on MMA with Homocystinuria – cblC;

4) To lead in the identification of emerging issues of specific interest. Duties include: evaluating the scientific correctness of documents published in the name or on behalf of CblC Onlus (e.g. articles, presentations at congresses and similar with scientific content).

The doctors who are appointed to be part of the Scientific Committee for the three-year period 2018-2021 are:

  • Dr. Carlo Dionisi Vici: U.O. of Metabolic Pathology, Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital - Rome (Coordinator)
    email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Dr. Martinelli Diego: U.O. of Metabolic Pathology, Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital - Rome
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  • Dr. Giorgia Olivieri: U.O. of Metabolic Pathology, Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital - Rome
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  • Prof. Giancarlo Parenti: U.O. of Metabolic Diseases, Federico II University Hospital - Naples
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  • Dott.ssa Maria Alice Donati: Sezione Malattie Metaboliche e Muscolari Ereditarie, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Anna Meyer - Firenze
    email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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